Jesus is King YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdFFNMFZ2ZklEU250M3BNc0s4aFJhaS41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 Jesus is King (Week 1): Jesus' Claim to the Throne 19 hours ago Today Pastor Doug Peake starts our new Christmas series, Jesus is King. He will be talking about what...
#Blessed YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdGRIbkNTa2VQTTZZbG1ZZkt2ajU0ZC41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 #Blessed (Week 1)- The Attitude of Gratitude 7 hours ago Listen as Pastor Doug starts our new series entitled #Blessed. Studying the book of Philippians and how Paul teaches us...
Essential YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdWNrVGZ3X1paS25JN1VGQktlQnBfWC41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 Essential: Your Life Matters (Week 1) Sun September 13th In a time where the world is dictating whose is essential and unessential, it is time to look at what God says we are....
The New Normal YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdVh1LVNYT21ib1hYcWp1RUhIbnBZYi41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 The New Normal- Introduction (Week 1) Sun August 2nd We are starting a new series titled, The New Normal, this week. How do we adapt to change in this ever changing...
YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdlROaVlJdHlwNVRyaTBuRF9zZy1XTS40NzZCMERDMjVEN0RFRThB Pharaoh had a Dream- The Salty Pastor Podcast (Episode 11) 22 hours ago Joseph is brought before Pharaoh in order to interpret his dreams. His choice in this moment changes his life...