Easter Weekend 2024

Resurrection Sunday Services
Join us online or on-campus in celebrating the Risen King! Contemporary worship, biblical truths and fellowship.
Service Times
- 8:30am
- 10:00am
- 11:30am
Can’t wait to see you here!
How will we take Communion?
We will have a time set aside in the service for you to practice Communion in your home or on-campus.
For those on campus, we will have sterilized bags with the communion elements on each seat.
For those participating at home, it doesn’t have to be grape juice or crackers. This time is more about the meaning of communion and experience together. If there are graham crackers and some apple juice, consider it good!
Are all the services the same?
Yes each online service will have the same content:
• Worship
• Message
• Communion
• Habit of Generosity
FH Kids & FH Students will be open as well!
How do I invite my friends?
1. Click the Facebook to the left of the screen and share it to your social media!
2. Copy and Paste this website address into:
• Your Facebook status or FB Messenger
• A text message
• Even an email!
3. Share youtube.com/foothillschurchboise for those who don’t like Facebook and email the link to your friends