
5 Proofs of God

5 Proofs of God In This Series The Moral Argument [Week 1] Dr. Douglas Peake Message Notes The Cosmological Argument [Week 2] Dr. Douglas Peake Message Notes The Fine Tuning Argument [Week 3] Dr. Douglas Peake Message Notes The Applicability of Math Argument  [Week 4]...
Weeds in My Garden

Weeds in My Garden

Weeds in My Garden In This Series It’s Okay to Not Be Okay [Week 1] Dr. Douglas Peake Message Notes You Have a Purpose [Week 2] Dr. Douglas Peake Message Notes Am I Loved [Week 3] Harvey Friesen Message Notes Suicide [Week 4] Dr. Douglas Peake & September...
Train to Go

Train to Go

Train to Go Train to Go Our new series kicks off a theme for the whole year of Expanding the Kingdom of God. Last year, we studied all about the God's Kingdom, now it's time to learn about where we are going. Join us for contemporary worship, biblical truth...
King of Kings

King of Kings

King of Kings King of Kings The end of the year is approaching which means so is Christmas! We kick off our new series King of Kings this week. YouTube Video UExnLUlETW93bXVDdkQtZ2Q4Y0ZPdkhwcTRWMXNPMWVyaS41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2 Subscribe King of Kings (Week 1)- The...
Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come Kingdom Come We are in a spiritual war between two kingdoms and that spills over into the physical world through all kinds of actions and tragedies but also victories. Learn more about how we can move the Kingdom of God forward here on earth. — -Ready to...